Ron said the same thing, he even stopped using salt completely when he salted everything he ate, after 2 yrs he is again using salt and even pepper! So I'd say it's part of the process of going thru this crappy cancer. Sorry but keep positive you just may get all back to normal or as normal as can be.
Good Luck!

CG to Ron
Out of Pain 4/3/13
4/12-lung and under chin growth no treatment
1/13/12 lung biopsy
6/11 recur 6/30 resection #2 Clear margins
Clear 12/10
Surg 5/13/10 neck dis/nodes part gloss/flap R thigh all teeth out
RAD 30 8/10
DX 4/2/10 "Oral Cavity" T3NOMO
12/28/07 Non Hodg Lymph remission 7/08
passed away 4.3.15, RIP Ron, you are greatly missed