hi maria,

it does sound like they will do the stent before radiation.. i guess the stent is to make the carotid artery stronger because the tumor that will be radiated is close to it and they dont want the artery shutting down.. yes, it has been going on for a long time.. my dad is very strong willed.. but how much can one person physically take? :-(

Dad-55 yrs..2/2010-DX/March 2010-Induction Chemo/35Rads 7weeks concurrent with chemo once every 3weeks/6/2010-Treatments completed-October 2010-Recurrence/December 2010-salvage surgery/clear Margins/July 2011-recurrence/weekly Erbitux treatments-5/30/12, last erbitux..
Painfree and rested 6/19/12