Hi everyone,

Glad to find a group that has been through the same stuff as me. We all need as much support as possible.

Had my right neck dissection two weeks ago and it's not too bad with the exception of pain in my right arm and shoulder. Doing some arm rotations and am told it is temporary.

The worst was having a 2x3cm mass taken off the base of my tongue. He went another layer deeper to make sure so I'm not really sure how much he took off. He did use the TORS so I feel lucky for that. It was the worst pain I've ever had in my life. Couldn't swallow for two weeks and thought I'd never be able to eat again. I still choke but it is improving.

I will start low dose RT in a few weeks so hopefully it won't return. The reason for low dose is that my tumors were clearly defined and low grade. Why it spread is a mystery.


Diagnosis: Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
Tumor on base of tongue removed Nov 9,2011
Radical Neck Dissection with 2 positive lymph nodes on Jan 11,2012
Will start low dose RT in a few weeks.