Hello There,
I'm a 47yr old(M) from Scotland who discovered something which looks a bit sinister on the under side of my tongue where it meets the floor of my mouth, just to the side of the vertical piece of tissue which I think is designed to stop your tongue disappearing down your throat if you lift it up too far!? (sorry I'm trying to keep my sense of humour whilst being worried and paranoid at the same time.)

I came across your forum whilst scouring the web for info hopeing to calm my fears but I think it has had the opposite effect. Anyway you all seem a nice bunch and this seems to be the best place to belong to when you need help, advice and maybe some support too.

I've been told by a Specialist friend that there,s a good chance it's a SCC [ Raised nodule type piece of tissue with a white grainy coating which is slightly rough when I run my tongue over it]less than 1cm although biopsy isn't until 4th Aug.

I've been a heavy drinker and occasional smoker for about 25yrs, and have already lost my Pancreas through the drink so we'll be surprised if this growth turns out to be nothing at all.
Don't get me wrong I'm not being morbid but I'm the type of guy that always looks for the worst case scenario, then if it turns out better it's a bonus.
My main concern is that I am an Insulin Dependant Diabetic (which delays healing and more risk of infection.)
Is there anyone out there who is an I.D.D. and who has had treatment? I just wanted to know what pitfalls to look out for and anything problematic to do with the Diabetes.
Also what tests are done to see if the C has Metastacised to the Lymph Nodes?
It seems from your experiences "Across the Pond" that you all seem to get treated quickly from date of diagnosis and I know it's imperative that this type of thing is caught quickly, my concern is that I've had this growth 4 weeks now, my next visit to the hospital is on the 4th AUG, and any remedial treatment could be as long as 6weeks after that.
The problem in the U.K. is that because of our National Health Service setup we cannot choose hospitals and it can often be a lengthy wait for treatment. Do you think the time scale above is a bitlong between discovery and treatment? My only other option is to go Private Which is horrendously expensive.
Reading this for the first time you couldn't be faulted for thinking I'm being a bit premature, it's just that when you find something like this for the first time it preys on your mind and it seems like an eternity before you get the right answers.
If I've offended anyone who thinks I've no right to be on this site right now, I apologise profusely, But I would feel very humble if anyone could find time to reply.

Kind regards,

Colin.["Across the pond"]