I made my husband a long yarn necklace and tie it up. That way it is easier to shower and get around without having to tape it.

10/8/10 DX SCC of tongue 11/9/10 rem 1 cm/mod rad neck dis
12/7/10 clear margins on tongue 12/28/10 g-tube n
1/3/11 30 RADS/6 cispla 4/1/11 flap 5/23/11 g-tube out
6/22/11 MRI clear 7/7/11 PET 2 spots 7/14/11 RND 8/1/11 PIIC
9/28/11 5 cyberknife 12/8/11 g-tube n 12/13/11 trach

Leigh Ann