Michael had his five year CT/PET scan, saw the oral surgeon and oncologist yesterday. The pre-scan low carbohydrate diet before the PET scan is stressful in itself for Michael. The Great news is he still appears Cancer free -the only "warm" area on his test was where the dental extractions are still trying to heal and that does not appear malignant. The extractions were on the opposite side of his mouth from where the original lesion was on his tongue.

The oral surgeon says his mouth looks better, but still not totally healed. Michael asked about continuing with the hyperbarics vs. having the flap which had been previously mentioned as an option. The oral surgeon says he would not do or recommend the flap, but could refer him to a reconstruction dentist /oral surgeon if he wants to see one. He says that he thinks the flap could make the whole thing worse by having more osteonecrosis if he had this additional surgery. The oral surgeon didn't seem to know if he should continue with the hyperbarics. He said that was up to the hyperbaric doctor and the oral surgeon wanted to consult with the oncologist. Wish there was an easy, definite, positive solution.

The oncologist says his mouth definitely looks much better that it had the last time he saw him and he thinks he should continue with the hyperbarics as long as it seems to be getting some benefit from it (it continues to appear to be healing more), but who knows how long??? He had 30 dives connected to the first extraction in April and now is at 50 connected to the second (two) extractions in Sept. The oncologist did seem to think Michael should go ahead and at least get an opinion from the reconstruction person. He did say that the oral surgeon he is seeing now in Mobile is the most advanced one in the area and he probably would have to go out of the area to see a reconstructive person - maybe to Birmingham. Anyone know any good reconstructive people in the MS Gulf Coast area? The oncologist did not totally discharge him, but doesn't want to see him for six months when hopefully all this will be resolved. Michael is pretty wiped out from the daily hyperbarics, plus driving 50 miles per day, plus the vision and hearing effects.

So overall GOOD NEWS!!

Barbara S
C/G to Michael age 64, stage 1 base of tongue SC cancer and a stage one for a couple lymph nodes, diagnosed 09/12/06, IMRT radiation 10/24/06 to 12/05/06 , last PET / CT scan 11/7/11 - still cancer free!!!