My husband had a terrible time controlling pain until we got on a high enough dose of Gabapentin which helps with pain from nerves damaged/destroyed. The doc explained that the brain still receives messages from these nerves. Even the highest doses of Fentanyl and Morphine didn't help.

Jim also had swelling right after surgery and it was from lymphadema, massage helped soften the area up and get those fluids moving. His speech therapist showed me how to massage correctly. Hope this helps!

CG to sp age 53
4/10 BOT IVb
6/10 Ttl Gloss Lrngectmy L Mndbltmy 5+ Nodes
7/10 Cispl & Rad
1/11 recur lung mets
2/11 Clin Tr Erb Carb 5FU last 5/11
7/11 Tumor growth began wkly Bleo, Taxol, Carbo
10/28/11 Hospice; Passed 11/7/11