Hi Cindy & Graywolf, having just gone through diagnosis, fact finding then treatment I can appreciate the place you guys are in - overwhelming & confusing are words that spring to mind. You are at the very least a partner with your docs in the process(or as Kim my partner likes to say - "You have to drive your own bus sometimes." I agree with Brian's sage advice regarding diagnosis and that it does take time which can seem for ever to get test results or information back. You are well within bounds to ask your docs about approx. dates and schedules of when things are expected to happen. If I can answer any of your questions regarding oral cancer and give my 10 cents let me know - if not I'm sure there are plenty of others with like experiences to yours on the boards willing to do so. Take care, good luck and stay in touch.

*Stage III Right Tonsillar Ca. *Diagnosed Aug. 2002
*Surgery Sept.,Radiation Dec. 2002
*For everything else there's Mastercard.