Day 4 of recovery from my resection surgery! UGH! I was not prepared for how much pain there would be. Dr did tell me that it would be worse Day 3, 4 and 5 and then begin to get better. all I can think of today is that I am so ready to get off this crazy ride and have this all behind me...

I did manage to get some jello down and I can drink water a bit better. I force myself to eat a few extra bits, I figure the first bite hurt so I might as well get as much as I can in my tummy. On the bright side, being preoccupied by the pain helps me not think about the wait for this next pathology report.

One question, is it common to have such severe ear pain? I feel like I have a horrible ear infection. I think it may be because the Dr scraped the back of my upper jaw bone???

Thanks for letting me vent smile

Found questionable spot in routine dental cleaning 6/28/11
Consult w/ Oral Surgeon 7/20
Lesion removed for Biopsy 7/28/11
DX 8/3/11 MEC (Grade Low2)
upcoming resection surgery 8/31