Hi All,

I just need to vent....Ron has been needing some dental work done and we didn't realize the issues for Dentists in dealing with a radiated throat. His regular Dentist sent him to the UCLA School of Dentistry to check his gums. He went there and they were concerned about a particular area on his gum.

To be on the safe side they did a biopsy. Now mind you, through all of this Ron has been very nervous and worried. He gets a call last Friday from that Dentist and the biopsy came back positive for Carcinoma. The Dentist is freaking out and wants Ron to come back for another biopsy to see if its become invasive. This in turn freaks Ron out (can't blame him). Thank goodness Ron says no and calls his regular Doc at the UCLA Head and Neck Dept because his Doc sees this every day. He goes there on Monday and the Doc takes a look and says don't worry Ron, this is no big deal, we'll laser it off. This is an obvious relief...on Tuesday Ron wakes up with shingles...because of all the worrying. Poor guy! He's been over 6 year's cancer free..... Just reminding everyone that early detection is the key because you just never know....thanks for letting me vent.

Love, Shelley

Caregiver to husband Ron. Throat Cancer. Finished 35 radiation treatments on 11/21/04. 8/2/11 small lesion on lower gum, laser Procedure to remove. 3/6/12 Doc. removed another lesion on outside of his neck. Did a skin graft from his chest to replace the skin on his neck. Went to Heaven on 6/24/12.