Well, just got back from the ENT. He told me, in no uncertain terms, to stop worrying and fixating on my mouth.

Although I am not completely satisfied (nothing was biopsied, on the grounds of "there is nothing that needs to be biopsied"), I will accept the fact that this makes two separate health care professionals who have told me the same thing, and that I should probably take their advice.

I will take this "scare" as a lesson, and continue to stay off tobacco (still going strong on the no smoking). Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts, support, advice, and personal experiences with me. It meant (and means) a great deal to me. Without your help, I would have been a complete nervous wreck by today.

Jeanna - "dip" and "dipping" refers to smokeless tobacco and the act of using it, respectively. Now that I've been free of that particular habit for an appreciable length of time, I'm once again realizing how disgusting it is. Makes me wonder what I was thinking when I started doing it. I hope I will come to feel the same way about smoking!

- Alex