Interesting trivia note: Apparently Erbitux is the drug developed that caused such a stir on the stock market and landed Martha Stewart in jail for insider trading. It was first discovered as an alternative to chemo to treat late stage colon cancer which was a big deal. So because of the legal proceedings, it wasn't marketed until just recently, but in the meantime, it was discovered that the drug was also effective for head and neck cancers. (That was per my primary oncologist, but I'm sure anyone interested could find the story online in more detail.)

I will have 7 Erbitux treatments, once per week, along with radiation all five days. I've had the first one, the intro where they inject other antibodies first to see if you might have an allergic reaction, and had no problems at all. I'm all prepared for the rash, but frankly, that's the least of my worries.
