hey everyone, it has been quite some time that I have posted, still read often, but I am at a complete loss at this point. To refresh my story that started almost 2 years ago, my mom was hit for the second time with oral cancer, this time she was already in stage 4 when caught, even after going to all her regular check ups. Anyway, it had metastized to lymph nodes in her neck and moved into her shoulders and tail bone. Since my last post she went through 14 months of chemo which was changed several times throughout, rads twice, once on one side of her neck and about 6 months later the other side and her jaw. just when she was starting to heal from that, back into more chemo, mind you through all this, she lost a ton of weight because she couldnt eat due to her mouth being so sore from rads, so basically was livine on boost, ensure, and resource juice, which even then had a hard time swallowing. Seems this cancer has been very aggressive, and either no response from treatments or little response, but then comes right back. The latest is that she agree to join a clinical trial which sent her to the hospital within 5 days of starting it where she spent 10 days due to a massive infection in her mouth and throat, fevers, and dangerously low white cell counts. while in the hospital they did chest exrays and ultra sounds ov her liver, that is when we found out that this evil thing has now invaded her chest and has also hit her liver. At this point, they took her out of the clinical trials and have stopped all treatments, as they claim there is nothing more they can do for her, her mouth has healed somwhat, and is able to finally eat a little hear and there, but is still losing weight almost daily. We have not been given any type of time line for her, but know that her time is now very limited, I have no idea what to expect now, I have read alot of stories on here about what to look for when the end is near, but still just cant figure it it out, I wish i had even a rough estimate, I know everyone is different and can be impossible to know, but even if I knew if we were looking at weeks, or months ... just somthing. Yesterday, she started going through another phase, which is pushing everyone away, it seems just just wants to be with me father and noone else, she will not allow my sister or I to come visit, and it's tearing up up, I just want to spend as much time with her as I can, just hoping a phase that will soon pass before it is too late. Sorry to go on and on, just hopeing maybe someone might have some insight as to how much time I may have to try to spend time with her, again it has been aggressive, and spread fairly quickly, not much luck with responding to treatments, and now, no treatments at all, as well as losing drastic amounts of weight quickly. would love to hear of any similar stories, or as I said maybe some insight on indications of when time for her to meet her maker may be near.
Thank you so much for reading.

Rachael- daughter 53 year old mom at stage IV oral in jaw bone and has mestasized though lymph nodes, shoulders and spine..... more details to come.
mom now 55 and has metastized to chest and liver, has stopped all treatments and meds 7/12/11

**let good prevail over evil**