Hi all,

It has been a while, Bob has a doctor's appt. on tues. We haven't said anything to faimly,but Bob has a lump on the right side of his throat. We are hoping it is just an infection of some kind. He had me feel it about 3 weeks ago, I was hoping it would be gone by the time we had this appt. no such luck.

My question is, if they do a biopsy on this will it be a needle one and not involve surgery? If so, is it something the ENT can do right then and not wait to schedule it?



Deb taking care of Bob, left retromolar tirgone&alveolar ridge SCC stage IV pT4anomx
11/3/10 partial mandiblctmy,trech,chest flap
11/9/10 Trech out, PEG in
1/19/11- 3/9/11 Cisplatin x3, IMRT x33