i dont know what stage my cancer is at yet, but will find out on the 24th June, i had my first dissection on 7th April found lymph node had cancer was diagnosed on 5th May with unknown primary, then had huge dissection on 26th May, they took out 39 lymph nodes and my tonsil,i still cant swallow food, i then found out i had Tonsil cancer, i have radiotherapy on the 27th June for 4 weeks every day apart from weekend, and chemotherapy once a week for whole day, for 4 weeks also, i feel totaly alone on this, i looked up every website to find out about tonsil cancer and was horrified to see 5 year survival rate, is this correct, i have 7 year old daughter and want to be around for long time, i am usualy very strong person but this is getting to me i dont know anyone else with tonsil cancer, so if there is anyone out there that could give me any information that would be great thank you.

First dissection one node out was cancer, second dissection 39 nodes out two had cancer, tonsil cancer taken out.