It was I that mentioned to Jeanna that I had to pay for a combined pet/ct scan as I am from Northern, Ontario Canada. We do not have any available here & my oncologist suggested that I have one done. Yes we do have the standard Pet but only in Southern & Eastern Ontario. No combined Pet/Ct here at all. I was the one that paid $2500 out of pocket & travelld to Montreal to have it done at Ville Marie Clinic. it is a private clinic on St Catherine's st. Canada is made up of different provinces & we each have different health care. Plus head & neck cancer does not qualify in the group of cancers for a free pet scan here in Ontario. Please do your research before commenting. I do not wish for Jeanna to believe that I was lying to her.

Stage 1V scc of toncil 12/1/09
Peg in 01/18/10
35 rads 3 cisplatin
tx ended 03/02/10