Hi Kathie: I was a bit OCD about rinsing my mouth when I was first out of treatment, maybe every hour. I realize this is not as often as your sister. For me it just felt good. I secreted a lot (the opposite of dry mouth) but still the feeling of a clean fresh mouth was so great I sought it out a lot that first month. I use Biotene products (toothpaste, rinse, oral gel) and they are great for freshness and to help with dry mouth. Also, I had trouble swallowing out of treatment and the doc gave me a steroid to open up my throat. This might be something for your sister. I am also working with a really gentle but firm speech therapist who helps with swallowing and eating. I had a big mental block against eating because my mouth was so full of sores. This therapist has really helped me. I still have my PEG but getting it out seems an option now. I feel so badly to hear that she is having such a tough time. Has she ever posted here? Would she be into email contact? I would be happy to chat/email with her. She is lucky to have you in her life. Best to you and your sister. -Michelle

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.