Hey, ive been reading this board for a while and decided to sign up, i am a 17yr old girl and on 17th novemeber 2010,i was diagnoses with MEC low grade i think, it was in my right gum cheek, i had one operation on 18th december 2010, had a muscle repair in my cheek too, and on feb 1st 2011 had to have another op and some of my jaw removed, and this operation was sucessfull,its healing great now and feels fine, although had a little problem with mouth opening but its getting better, the weird thing is people on this board seem to have a lot of information about what they had and specfic things, but because of my age my i think my surgeon wasnt very, upfront with me, i had to ask him what grade it was because he didnt tell me, do you thin i should get some more info on what i had and stuff, thanks in advance smile

Age 20 Gemma, Dx nov 2010 MEC ,surgery in Dec 2010 , surgery in feb 2011,clear margins , metastatic spread cervical lymph nodes may 2013, modified radical neck dissection, IMRTx30 60gy no peg