Jesus - people having to wait for surgery for cancer because the doctors are going on holiday? I just don't understand any of this.

My dentist, who had been doing a root canal on me for 3 weeks told me when I first came in with an earache and tongue swelling told me "no problem, you have a small slit on your tongue but no worries - your tongue got cut from your broken tooth - it will go away as soon as I do the root canal and put the crown on". 2 more visits - "well it's not any better, but it will heal soon. The tongue is quick to heal". Finally, on my last visit, when I insisted he look at my tongue closely he practically dropped his tools and sent me to an oral surgeon. If I didn't insist, I would still think nothing was wrong. And he would not have checked. The only time he checked anything was to make sure I made arrangements to pay the $2,700 for a root canal. (No dental insurance). Yes - I paid in advance. My bad.

I am sorry, I don't know about the no no's on Brian's list so I am just going to speak my mind.

My employers and my friends are thinking I am going to just have something removed from my mouth next Thursday, rest for the weekend, and be back on to work on Monday.

No one gets that I have cancer. Cancer. I might never recover. My 20 year old son cries himself to sleep at night. My high school sweetheart husband of 26 years can't function at his job because of this. I cannot even dream of planning our Bermuda vacation because of this. Sounds petty but we have waited 25 years to to this. We had no "official" honeymoon so this was our year to do it.

Sorry to vent.