Hello! I stumbled upon this website through much internet researching on maxillary sinus tumors. I am hoping someone out there can offer much needed advice. i am 39 yo mom, had a gigantic maxillary sinus tumor removed August'10, after four weeks and five pathologists opinion, I received word from Atlanta the tumor should be considered a reactive process, not a malignancy. My surgeon said he got all of it. Well, six months later, it has regrown, this time in the maxillary bone behind the sinus wall. Three surgeons here believe it is not cancerous, but say they do not have skills to remove this tumor, and I will need a maxillectomy. I am in Georgia, have an appointment at Emory FIVE weeks from now. I am very upset, feeling like no one is really helping me. Can anyone tell me the best surgeons for maxillectomy? I am looking at Johns Hopkins, or HUP. However, I do not know anyone there. This is all just scary!!

Last edited by Tara T; 03-01-2011 12:36 PM.