The PET scan was clear except for the jaw and neck and the Ct scan showed legs were ok for bone donation. He did say something about me being made wrong or something but we never got back to it. LOL

I am set to go for Tuesday. So far I take pain meds, sleep, wake up, drink Ensure, take pain meds, sleep, wake up take pain meds, drink Ensure, sleep. I HOPE I can stay awake sometime in there before too long.

He said I would probably go home with trach and nasal feeding tube but if I am close to getting them out I am hoping he will keep me another day or two to remove them. I don't want to have to do those myself if I am doing ok. Seems silly to drive home, turn around 2 days later and come back to get them out anyway. Got everything described...hopefully won't need jaw wired but still can't eat/drink until stitches are healed for 2 weeks so I don't get apple juice in my neck. LOL

Ok, dozing at keyboard, must go back to bed.

Michele in IL

Female - 53 no smoke/drink
tongue Biopsy 8/2010
Surgery 9/21 for SCC left side tongue stage II. Prtl removal tongue/left side lymph nodes. All Clear
Radiation started 11/2, ended 12/17
Lymph node involved left side along with gum involvement 2/9 Fibular flap failed 2/22.
passed away 1/12/12