15 months post Tx. Typically I do the scan and get the results the same day. This time there was a three week lag due to my oncologist's availability. And, back in November I had another round of throat stretching... supposed to be routine maintenance, get me ready for optimum eating capacity for Thanksgiving - but they found a 'growth' in my throat and did a biopsy. It ended up being non-cancerous and was also deemed to not be pre-cancerous, but gave me pause nonetheless. So I stressed these results more than the previous ones...

Survivor. 55yr male. Dx 07/09 SqCCa Stage IV, Rt Tonsil, Lt&Rt Lymph Nodes. Aborted tonsilectomy 07/09. Chemo port 07/09. PEG 09/09. Chemo - 3xCisplatin 6xErbitux. RTx35. Tx ended 11/09. CAT scan (clean) 01/10. PET scan (clean) 02/10. Port & PEG removed 04/10.