Hi, I am also new to the site this is my first post. My father was just DX with stage 3 base of the tongue cancer. He has complained of a soar throat for about 4-6 months and about a month ago he actually felt with his fingure that there was something. Left base of tongue) Yes, I am fearfull my father is 66 years old and has no medical history other than a somoker since the age of 13. A biopsy is scheduled with lymph tissue and peg tube placement to. Pet scan shows a little something in base of left lung. I went to his appt. and am surprised how fast they go through things and then after your home all the questions come. I'm wondering do we go ahead with the peg tube before we have the whole plan of treatment in order. I am worried about the side effects to treatment also chemo and radiation is the plan and then possible surg after TX.- Ceazar


Father 66yrs
S4 SCC left BOT
DX Jan 2011
Peg 1/31/11
chemo Cisp, 5fu, tax
Heart attack 3-17-2011
7 Weeks Rad with erbitux
Peg out Aug 2011
Pet Sept 2011 good (no activity)
Pet Dec 2011 tumor hot