Had a sore ulcer like lesion on left side of the tongue near the wisdom tooth. Was painful, had trouble eating, Family Doc referred me to a dentist thinking it was infection from the tooth, dentist told me to see an ENT. ENT said let there be biopsy! December 2 tongue was cut and pasted. Doc kept me an extra day. I asked the nurse "hey where is rest of my tongue?"
Well it was not so easy but I did.

She said ask the Doc. Doc came and said that big blob was cancer and margins were not good. Didn't know what that meant, But he said surgery went well. "Cool" I said, "So I am done with this pesky little cancer". He said no, we have to cut you up some more! Neck dissection! Check the Lymphe nodes and whatnot. But Doc, CT and X-rays were negative I protested.
Doc said, sorry but you tumor was too deep, gotta do panendsocpy and left neck dissection, "SOONER THE BETTER" He warned. So I said ok calm down already. You can do your surgery. So going to get cutup on January 6th. Would like to video tape it! FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES!

But the worse was yet it come, Frigging Arsenal lost to Manchester United AGAIN. Ridiculous! We (Arsenal) are never going to win anything.

12/2/10 Biopsy Tongue left near wisdom tooth.
DX Stage I Cancer. Partial left Glosectamy removed Tumor, diameter 2cm, depth >4mm.
12/3/10 CT neck and Chest: Negative. cDX: T1N0M0
1/6/11: Panendoscopy+neck dissection (because Tumor depth > 4mm)