I wanted to give you a site to check out that has the recipe book where that recipe came from,,,a kajillion new recipes for smoothies and soft foods! www.spohnc.org

It is the Support for People with Head and Neck Cancers site and I bought the easy to read cookbook this summer before my surgeries, I can't remember the cost exactly but it was around 17.50 plus 3.00 for postage, in that ballpark. I know they mailed it to Canada the same day they got my email and I had it within the week.

let me know if I can help you further.



55 yrs, Female, smoked for 4 yrs 35 yrs. ago, SCC right underside tongue and floor of mouth, laser surgery took 1/3 tongue Aug 2010, 3 weeks later in Sept right neck dissection 40 nodes removed with 1microscopic spot in one node. No chemo or radiation.