Hello everybody, I am new to this site. I wish I didn't have to search this type of site out but I am glad this place exists. I have been reading here all day as my husband just informed me this morning he thinks he may have throat cancer. I am very afraid. More like scared out of my mind!

My husband has constantly been sick the past few months. Horrible sore throats all the time, earaches, headaches, fatigue, sinus issues, congestion, choking on food, snoring horribly, trouble breathing....he often has complained that he feels like something is stuck in his throat. 2 months ago he finally saw a doctor about all of this and they told him his tonsils were inflamed and he had tonsillitis. Treated him with a nasal spray, steroids and antibiotics. Didn't do anything for him. they sent him for a CT scan last month and they found a mucous covered cyst in the back of his throat. Okay, no big deal right I thought - probably benign and they can surgically remove it no problem. Well, fast forward to today. Husband tells me he wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving to tell me this (but he knew I knew something horrible was bothering him) so he tells me he thinks he has throat cancer. Turns out he had a talk with his mother a few days ago, and she told him how is grandfather died - throat cancer. He also had all the symptoms my husband is experiencing. Cancer runs on both sides of my husbands family.

He is only 30 years old, how can this possibly be happening to him at such a young age? He has been a light smoker most of his life (like a few cigs a month), but chewed tobacco when he was a teen. He drinks occasionally (like a 6 pack every couple months)...oh he was exposed to lots of second hand smoke when he was a kid growing up. Could all of this combined point to throat cancer??? I hope and pray not. Also, he has severe acid reflux and indigestion all the time especially at night. He eats a LOT of Tums. He is a little overweight but carries all of his extra weight around his midsection which I know is worrisome. I read that the GERD can actually contribute to getting throat cancer.

He has an appt. December 3rd with an ENT to view the images from his CT scan. My poor poor husband, he is freaking out. I am trying to be strong and supportive for him but my mind keeps going to the worst case scenario. I feel like our lives have come to a hault!

I really don't know what I am asking, guess just venting and asking for thoughts, ideas, or experiences from anybody. I feel so alone right now. We have 2 young children and I just feel like this isn't supposed to be happening, ya know? We are a young family supposed to be enjoying the holidays together. Instead I am left wondering how many more holidays my dear husband will be around to celebrate them with frown I love him so much. Thank you for listening.