I have been lurking around this board for months now reading stories on what everyone has gone through. Everyone on here seems to be helpful so I would like to tell my story and ask for a bit of advice. I'll start of by saying that I work in health care as a pharmacist so if anyone has any drug questions please pm and I will try to help.

About 10 months ago I got a very sudden burning sensation in the back left side of my throat. About a week after the mouth sensation began I noticed another strange symptom on my jaw/cheek. Almost a radiating tingle with an underlying lump about 1.5 cm long but very thin. I went to my dentist and PCP for an examine that revealed nothing. However, my dentist sent my to an oral surgeon (found nothing) and then sent me to a very rude ent. The ent examined me with a scope felt and basically said he was 100% sure I had nothing wrong with me. I waited for the holidays to pass by then I decide to start over with new doctors. I went to a new oral surg who examined me and said that my lump was most likely a lymph node or swollen parotid and that the size of the lump was not significant enough for a needle aspiration. He ordered me a CT scan with contrast that showed nothing. It said the lump I marked was a secondary inflamatory reponse within stensons duct. Months go by and it gets worse. I find a Johns Hopkins trained ENT in the area and get in immediately. After five vistits, a referal to a rhuematologist (to rule out sjogrens), an mri, follow up mri, blood work and 3 physical exams he is still drawing a blank. The last time I saw him was 2 months ago and its still getting worse. Mild sore throat, CONSTANT sensation of dryness only in that one spot, lumps on cheek that tingle. What do I do now?? The ENT said to check back in 6 months if symptoms progress and he would look into removing the tonsil on that side.

Here are my questions.
1. Is dry mouth a symptom of oral cancer
2. Do cancerous lymph nodes have any sensation?
3. Would a contrast CT and MRI show cancer in the tonsil?
4. The original CT was almost a year ago. Should I get a new one to compare with.

Thanks in advance for the help. If anybody needs info on rx or otc drugs please let me know.