My husband Bob was diagnosed with stage three left retromolar trigone & alveolar ridge SCC T2N1MO on Sept. 16 2010. Life has been on stand still since. I found your forum and it seems like just what I have been looking for. We have been through so much just trying to get seen by the right doctor. Today was just another day of a let down.
A little history my husband is retired military, we will have to go through VA. Because of where Bobs tumor is he has to have a Emory specialist the one we will eventually see is just that. He does a lot of work at the VA but we can't see him till november 4th.
My fear is how much will it grow between now and then. A week ago you couldn't feel the lympnode by hand now you can, and when he first went to the doctor the tumor was less then 2cm now it is 3.6cm .We have had no treatmeant so far.The only he has had is pain medicine. Any advise would be great

Deb taking care of Bob, left retromolar tirgone&alveolar ridge SCC stage IV pT4anomx
11/3/10 partial mandiblctmy,trech,chest flap
11/9/10 Trech out, PEG in
1/19/11- 3/9/11 Cisplatin x3, IMRT x33