Once again it looks like my CCC doctors and medical team have quite different opinions then the standard OCF party line. Their advice has been that I only need 2,000 calories a day to be healthy and active. I just went to the Mayo Clinic's daily calorie calculator and it also said 2,000 calories (Male - 62 - 5'11" 135 lbs -checking Active w/ daily exercise)

That works out to 6 cans a day of Ensure Plus. I lift weights, do Pilates, mow the lawn, etc. For me the issue of energy was thyroid related and not calories. Don't get me wrong, if you can get 3000 calories a day into your dad, GREAT. But for many oral cancer patients, eating is a chore or difficult, and 2,000 calories is just fine.

I had so many things to worry about during these three years, it was great not to try and get 3000 calories down yet still be compliant with medical advice.

65 yr Old Frack
Stage IV BOT T3N2M0 HPV 16+
2007:72GY IMRT(40) 8 ERBITUX No PEG
2008:CANCER BACK Salvage Surgery
25GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin
Apaghia /G button
2012: CANCER BACK -left tonsilar fossa
40GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin

Passed away 4-29-13