I am a 53 year old female who went to dr.s for over a year complaining of tongue pain...all (6) physicians I went to said it was Lichen Plantis and gave me creams ...Then when I couldn't swallow I went to ENT and they said I have a tumor on my tongue - It was tough to decide what treatment to persue, but I went with surgery as they say it was the better option as the cancer I have does not always do well with radiation. I had the surgery on September 3 ...Wonder if I made the right decision ...I had to have a "free flap" surgery where part of my forearm was put in to cover loss of tongue - I am now home ...with a trach, suction machine and feeding from Peg tube. I really want to hear from someone with their experience ...How they made out ...Will I ever speak ok, eat ...etc

54 Year Old Female Non Smoker - Non Drinker
Stage 3 Squamous Carcenoma middle tongue, Surgery 9/3/2010 15 hour operation, Neck distention,right - 19 lymph node removed/ok -some tongue dysplasia - free flap/forearm, left arm, skin graph-thigh, lip split/jaw 1 tooth removed/PEG