Hi all.. I just posted an "introduce myself" post elsewhere, but I'll repost some of it here. This is the forum where I will probably spend most of my time!

I just had treatment #13 out of 32 for Adenoid Cystic Carcenoma. I am 39, don't drink or smoke. I had part of the roof of my mouth(into my sinus cavity), 5 teeth and a section of jawbone removed in March. (was pregnant at that time, by the way) Margins are clear. Doing the radiation on my facial nerve, cuz this type of cancer is known to invade it. My side effects have just hit all of a sudden.

I am "lucky" in a way because they are just zapping the top of my mouth, so hopefully my lower mouth will remain mostly fine. They put a foam "popsicle" in my mouth before treatment to hold my lower jaw and tongue down and out of the treatment field. The back of my tonge gets it, so my sense of taste is already screwed up. My upper lip is swollen, sore, and feels horribly chapped inside and out. I know the roof of my mouth is in bad shape, but luckily my obtuator covers it, so I don't feel alot of that pain, because no food or anything touches that area. My gums are turning whitish, and I'm terrified about losing more teeth. frown

Hoping to find lots of support and information here from you folks also going through this. Thank you in advance, and good luck.

Adenoid Cystic Carcenoma
surgery 3/10
currently undergoing Radiation