Thank you Brian, for this explanation. It's more help than we've had from any of the medical people here. I'm wondering if Gordon's milkshake might be the culprit, as he seems to cough more when he has it; also, he says it irritates what he thinks is the tumour site (BOT). I will call the clinic nutritionist tomorrow and see if she can offer any insight into the aspiration problem.
This website and forum are a wonderful resource. I would not have made it this far without them and all the compassionate and helpful people who post here. I can't thank you enough for providing it for all of us in need.

Last edited by Elianne; 07-25-2010 08:00 PM.

Anne - CG to Gordon (59), non-smoker/non-drinker. SCC, BOT, HPV 16+, stage 3. Jan./10 - radical neck dissection to remove 48 lymph nodes, 1 node pos. Apr. 23/10 - finished 35 rad. and 3 cisplatin. Jul. 22/10 - PET scan clear.