I was watching that movie, "Smoke" last night with Harvey Keitel and at one point in the movie he shows his buddy his entire life photo project. There were thousands of photos, all taken at the same exact spot at the same exact time, everyday. His buddy just flips through the albums at a fast pace not stopping to look at the details. Harvey says, "If you don't slow down you're never going to get it". His buddy says, "Well what do you mean? They're all the same photo?" Then Harvey says this quote (which I love):

"They're all the same but each one is different from the other one. You've got your bright
mornings and your dark mornings. You've got
your summer light and your autumn light. You've
got your weekdays and your weekends. You've
got your people in overcoats and galoshes,
and you've got your people in shorts and
T-shirts. Sometimes the same people,
sometimes different ones. And sometimes the
different ones become the same, and the same
ones disappear. The earth revolves around the
sun, and every day the light from the sun hits
the earth at a different angle."

Everyday is a new day and different from the last.

Last edited by MeganCannon; 07-23-2010 09:58 AM.