WOW Charm every 4 months!

Yes, its on the main tube, near the the connector. I feared it would eventually happen but hoping it would last until I could wean myself off the feedings and supplement with food without losing anymore weight like the doctors want. I just started doing this today!! I took one can away from my morning feed but then at lunch I threw up my "real" food and then at dinner I noticed my pants were wet, from the small hole. I'm wondering what in the world this all means, happening in one today like that!LOL

Dx 3/27/09 @ 28 years old with High Grade MEC T4N2M0
Elizabeth, 33, mother of 3 girls (4,7, &8yrs old)
3 rds of chemo(Carbo/Taxol)
Rt Mandibulectomy, rt fibular flap,& rt ND with trach, picc,& g-tube.
30 rds of rads with weekly cisplatin
OCF Regional Coordinator of San Antonio Walk