The doctor who is running the study is using irradiated honey but since it isn't available she recommended using raw manuka. My brother has no problem with his immune system and like many of us is in excellent health except for the darn cancer.

He still has some sores along the direct radiation line. He is controlling the discomfort with magic mouthwash and the sores are starting to heal. The sores showed up during the "boost" period of the radiation treatment. He tells me that the manuka honey now burns in the area of the sores so he has diluted it with green tea. Prior to the sores appearing he had no discomfort from the honey.

His cancer was in the anterior floor of the mouth.

Brother Dx oral cancer March 23. Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Mod Dif Anterior Floor of Mouth, Peridental Soft Tissue, Right Bony Margin. Lymph Nodes 0/56 Stage II,pT2,pN0 2.8 cm
I was Dx b/cancer 9/2007. IDC Stage2 Grade2 2.4 cm 0/8 Nodes ER+ PR+ Her-2 Rad 33 no chemo.