LOL Charm! I never thought of traveling while having a feeding tube would cause a security problem. I haven't flown in 2 years, I wonder if they make moms with infant formula feed their infants? I think it's ridiculous that they open a can up and then ask you to feed yourself some after it's already been tested. I understand they are trying to take precautions and be safe but it's still annoying! We are holding off on any family trips via plane until my tube is out.

Dx 3/27/09 @ 28 years old with High Grade MEC T4N2M0
Elizabeth, 33, mother of 3 girls (4,7, &8yrs old)
3 rds of chemo(Carbo/Taxol)
Rt Mandibulectomy, rt fibular flap,& rt ND with trach, picc,& g-tube.
30 rds of rads with weekly cisplatin
OCF Regional Coordinator of San Antonio Walk