Hi again,

Hate to bother you people again, but the "weakness" I feel doesn't seem to get any better. I'm eating pretty well, at least not losing any weight, lost 35 lbs which I could afford, thankfully I beat the PEG, never had to use it, but I can't afford to lose more. The problem is I feel so weak sometimes, I just don't understand it. I don't feel like doing the things I used to like to do, like fishing, playing guitar etc. Am I missing something or is this normal recovery? Thanks for any info. Jack

Jack Werder
69 yrs young..
Quit smoking after diag.
left tonsil squamous cell carcinoma, stage II
diag. 9/2009 rad 10/1/09-11/23/09
cancer free so far. Still on the right side of the grass!