Regarding the healing time, my G-doc told me that if a PEG or G-tube ever came out, go to emergency room and have them put in a catheter to keep the stoma from closing. He said the stoma would close in about four hours (I presume he meant the interior stoma in stomach wall).

BTW, the G-tube that was put in for me by the radiologists didn't have a balloon, mushroom or other anchoring device; it just relied on a longer length and some curves to keep it in place, so it would be possible to pull it out easily if it were caught in clothing, etc. I took mine out several times to clean it (Easily blocked by crushed meds) and there was no pain involved.

Age 67 1/2
Ventral Tongue SCC T2N0M0G1 10/05
Anterior Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 6/08
Base of Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 12/08
Three partial glossectomy (10/05,11/05,6/08), PEG, 37 XRT 66.6 Gy 1/06
Neck dissection, trach, PEG & forearm free flap (6/08)
Total glossectomy, trach, PEG & thigh free flap (12/08)
On August 21, 2010 at 9:20 am, Pete went off to play with the ratties in the sky.