Hi, my name is Barb and I teach literacy to special education students. I am concerned that I will ever be able to teach again after my "partial tongue glossectomy with wrist flap addition" surgery that is scheduled for March 8th. Angelia, I know that you have been out for a month and I can appreciate your desire to get back to the students. I think that being gone from work has been one of the most worrisome issues that I face. I am afraid to leave them for a long time, but I know that they will be fine. I am scared to death that I will be unintelligible and that my 20 year teaching career will be over. I'm scared. Can yo tell me whether you are able to speak well even though you have mucous madness?


Teacher aged 48, SCC Left side and floor of Tongue, Dx December, 2009. Stage II T2 N0 M0 Successful partial glossectomy surgery with thigh flap and neck dissection 3/8/10. 6 weeks of radiation tx ended 6/30/10. Happily surviving!

"Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere."