So we met with the MO on Tuesday and she changed the treatment plan. Instead of starting CRT in the next two weeks, Mike is getting a port put in on Wed with IC TPF starting on Thursday. He will get this every 3 weeks X2, then get a peg placed with his mask/simulation on Feb 23rd and CRT to start soon after.
One of the things the MO said was that she could do cisplatin every 3 weeks during RAD, or she could do it weekly. She said they have no evidence that either way works better but that by getting weekly chemo instead of bigger doses every 3 weeks it might minimize the side effects. Seems to me that the weekly would make him somewhat nauseous and tired every week (all the time?) vs being very nauseous and tired with a break in between.
Any thoughts or opinions on this? Should I start a new thread somewhere else with this question?


Caregiver/wife to Mike, age 48 used chewing tobacco - quit
SCC BOT T2N3M0 Diagnosed Dec 29, 09 HPV+
L ND Jan 7 removed 31 nodes, 6 positive Bilat mets neck
Siteman Cancer Center
Port in Jan 27, Peg in Mar 3
IC 28 Jan & 18 Feb - TPF
CRT Cisplatin x3 start March 10th