Hi Angelia,
Martin lost taste then smell then horrible taste came back and now over a year on he is about 70% back to normal (but he needs to constantly sip water). The thing that tasted ok for the longest was maple syrup. But I would try stuff and he would moan that it tasted salty. Tea tasted like fish. Sweet tasted salty... He said it really messed up with his head. nothing was like what it was supposed to be, but slowly taste crept back, and he could taste some things that were nice. Now he even likes things he used to hate, like French cheese. Martin says it's really hard to explain to anyone, I think i can understand a little as I learnt what combinations of food he didn't hate, but I can't really I suppose as i can taste still.
I found creamed rice pudding or custard was a favourite for a long time i used to add maple syrup and a bit of cinamon and it would mask the nasty tasste a little. At least that's what martin said.
I must say before martin got sick i had only heard of the side effects of radiation and I don't think anyone can really picture it until they go through it or care for someone who is. Also i think if the consultant had told Martin "you will feel like death warmed, not be able to eat and feel like jumping out of the window", he would have said "no way i am taking my chances".
Anyway, hold on the nasty taste will go away gradually, in the meantime try not too lose too much weight.
Thinking of you.

Girlfriend to Martin 49 years old at diagnosis
Diagnosed with SCC unknown primary June 2008.
Cancer found in single node Stage N2A (3 to 6cm).
Tonsilectomy 16th june, Radical modified neck dissection left side 30th june.
30 TX radiotherapy ended 9th October
First comparative study scan came back clear