Love the Science and Medicine website. Had a big read of it today.

Reminds me of my last cancer which had a poor prognosis at first. I felt helpless so went to what I thought was a naturopath for some healthy eating options. He was recommended by a hospice nurse of all people. He turned out to be a cranky ex-GP who blamed my cancer on my root fillings and told me not to come back if I was considering chemo. He prescribed some homeopathy and was the rudest medical practitioner I ever met. The next month I started chemo and that particular cancer has not come back in 12 years.

Anecdotal I know but it confirmed my faith in science rather than magic. For cancer!

1996, ovarian cancer surgery + cisplatin and taxol.
September, 2007, SCC of left lateral tongue. Excision.
October, 2009 recurrence in scar tissue, T1NOMO. Free flap surgery from left wrist - neck dissection. 63 year old New Zealander. No chemo, no RT.
February, 2014. New primary in left buccal mucosa. Marginal mandibulectomy, neck dissection, right arm free forearm flap. T1N0M0 but third occurrence and some areas of concern: RT started 8 April and finished 19 May.