Hi Pam,

I had a number of ceramic crowns during treatment (I don't recall if I had metal fillings, since I was at that time on a program with my regular dentist to change out all of my old metal fillings). I did not have any issues or need anything during treatment.

The flouride trays, I was told, should be used during treatment - my normal dentist was not a good or knowledgable source of information on any of this; I saw a dentist who had a specialty in H&N radiation patients regularly during treatment.

Outside of having a knowledgable dentist, your RO should be able to provide some guidance.

Best wishes,


SCC left tonsil, 2 lymph nodes, modified radical neck dissection, IMRT (both sides) completed 10/25/06, Erbitux and Cisplatin weekly, Ethyol daily