Does your future FIL also live in NJ? If so,he has access to several excellent CCC's Comprehensive Cancer Centers and I hope that is where he is being treated. What is the name of the hospital?

There are many members that will be giving you some feedback, but it would good to know some things about his diagnosis and treatment, such as staging and the name of the chemo. This information can be put into your signature section so you don't have to keep writing. Take a look at some of th signatures so that you will have an idea of what should be there, then go to your profile and add the info at the bottom.


Retired Dentist, 59 years old at diagnosis. SCC of the left lateral border of the tongue (Stage I). Partial glossectomy and 30 nodes removed, 4/6/05. Nodes all clear. No chemo no radiation 18 year survivor.

"Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger"