Hi Brian Hill,
Read your post and your efforts for AWARNESS OF ORAL CANCER
I too am Survivor of Oral Cancer, had a Partial Maxillectomy and Neck Dissection on Oct 14th 2009. And earlier in 2001 had Surgery in 2001 for removal of Vocal Cord and Larynx, and am Laryngectomee
Sorry that I could not be helpful this time, as I am from other part of world, Karachi-Pakistan, and we have a time difference of around 10-11 hours
However, you can have a look at my webpage www.newvoicelary.org and I am also working for giving AWARNESS to general public
Also sending this to you by email at [email protected] for future communication
Noor Ali

Lary since 2001. Now assist Patients and their caregiver related Head & Neck Cancer