
If you weren't scared you wouldn't be normal. We have all been there. It's good that you are moving quickly through the process
of getting a full diagnosis and a treatment plan. I was fortunate to get things rolling quickly, but many here were not. Waiting is one of the most frustrating and difficult parts of the process

You haven't mentioned if you are being treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC). If possible, you may want to consider a second opinion at one, before starting your treatment.

Telling family is not easy, but the truth, especially with your children is very important. I found that doing this face to face was the best way for me. I waited until I had all the facts.

If possible, try to have someone with you at your visits now, as you will be bound to miss some of the things that are said. Take notes and write down any questions that you will invariably have, so you don't get home and realize that there was more that you wanted to know.

This forum, as well as the main part of this site, are the best source of information on the internet regarding oral cancer. For now, keep all of your questions in this one thread so that the wonderful people here will be able to help you more easily.

I am usually on my computer off and on most all day, but I will be out of touch most of the day today, as I am going to visit one of our OCF family members who is in the hospital.

You can email me directly if you click on my name on the left and then go to profile. If you want to talk, send me your phone number.

You will get through this difficult process. We are here for you.



Retired Dentist, 59 years old at diagnosis. SCC of the left lateral border of the tongue (Stage I). Partial glossectomy and 30 nodes removed, 4/6/05. Nodes all clear. No chemo no radiation 18 year survivor.

"Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger"