Hi Cookey thanks for your wonderful Inroduction I feel as though Im at a party not a cancer forum.

Wow this is wonderful Guys, yes as you can Imagine my life has turned up side down my medical insurance is minimal in Thailand and I have just found out if I have been out of the country of England where I come from, for more than 2 years less is some cases, I now have to pay for any medical treatment, I hope this can be side stepped with Cancer or I�m going to be given a quick death sentence.

I was told because the lymph node is swelling up and starting to mass the Cancer could of starting to get stronger and the Chemo and Radiation will not be so effective in the base of my tongue, to kill it. I don�t know if this is true any advise.

Any other Information you can give, especially about the latest drugs on the markets Id be sure grateful

Ok back later, amazing quick response thanks Guys, see I�m already sounding American lol

debandbill that is wonderful news, I can only prey I have to same luck, but the doctor said, it looks like the tongue will have to come out, so as you say see what the Biopsy says, if anything, he also said as its very deep down my tongue vase, he does not know if he could get to it and will have to do it again may be. Ill let you know. Did Bill have the new drugs on the markets as well?

Last edited by Teacher jon; 09-22-2009 11:03 PM.

"Base of Tongue Cancer", may be HPV cancer. swollen lymph nodes, half the tongue base Now T2/3 N2 MRI scan and simulation mask, 4 Chemo/35 rad of 35. Tumors gone. can eat. MRI April 19th , Nodes now all gone, was 6 cm, weight GAIN to 81 kg but found 2.1 grey area on MRI. Biopsy next.