Getting into my last week of Radiation and actually feeling good physically. Emotionally the depression is still lingering. Anyway since they can't PET for 9 weeks how would I best spend my time planning and reseaching the next phase. My hospital is not a major CCC so I was planning to start making appointments with a couple in the area so I'm prepared with documentation and appts no matter what the next course of action. I think a second opnion would be prudent either way? Also is there any addtional treatment between now and the PET that I can take advantage of in the next 9 weeks? How have the rest found the cooperation of other hospitals, your current Doctors, and most importantly your insurance companies policy relative to second opinion.


Age 50 at DX July 13 2009. T1N2BMO, stage III BOT-2 nodes right side, HPV negative, drinker-smoker, cisplatin x 3 IMRT x 39 70 GY, pegged and ported. Started treatment on 8-3 2009. Selective neck disection 11/30/2009, 9 nodes removed-neg pathology