Diagnosed with SCC of lower lip Dec 08 (had 12 yr history of cheilitic keratosis), Moh's Jan 09-1pass clear. Feb found lump under left jaw. 2nd needle biopsy showed squamous. Bilateral neck dissection May '09. Only cancerous node was the 6 centimeter tumor, all others were clear. 33 treatments IMRT with Erbitux once a week. Just had 1st PET yesterday and got a call today from neck surgeon about rt tonsil lighting up. He said it's no big deal, he has seen a lot of false positives with the tonsils on PET's. Said everything else in head/neck and torso looked great. I'm 62 and never had any serious illness before, so I'm just happy to be alive! Having a lot of soreness, stiffness in neck and back, shoulders have some degree of atrophy from the nerve trauma from surgery, and some thickening of a couple tendons in my neck/back and still don't have my energy and stamina back yet. Still having some problems with swallowing, but as I said, it's nice to still be here! I would welcome all feedback.