can anyone comment or direct me or give an opnion on the value of neck disection and survibability in general. I have a RAD, and chemo Oncologist, ENT, dietician and dentist all in the same facility but it is not a major cancer center and they don't talk to each other. I asked my RAD Doc if he thought I will need a neck disection and he said it would be the ENT's decision. Should not at the very least the chemo, rad, and ENT have a cup of coffee over the decision? Thats why I'm looking for any definitive studies,and opinions on the effectiveness or non effectiveness of the procedure.


Age 50 at DX July 13 2009. T1N2BMO, stage III BOT-2 nodes right side, HPV negative, drinker-smoker, cisplatin x 3 IMRT x 39 70 GY, pegged and ported. Started treatment on 8-3 2009. Selective neck disection 11/30/2009, 9 nodes removed-neg pathology